We provide you with multiple payment methods so that you can enjoy the most convenient shopping experience in the aXimed online store! You can place an order using any of the following payment methods, including:


Is the online payment process secured?

aXimed will ensure that the security of our online server is closely monitored so as to protect the confidentiality of your payment details and prevent any unauthorized uses of your account.


Will there be additional bank fees when I order from aXimed Online Shop?

Additional service charges may be applied by some banks, the order value shown in aXimed Online Shop does not reflect the possible additional charges imposed by your banks. Should you have any enquiry, please check with your card issuing bank whether additional charges apply.


Under what circumstances would the price shown on product page differs from the actual payment?

The product price shown on the product page does not include additional taxes, like Value-Added Tax (VAT) or custom duties, etc., of overseas regions. VAT of the billing country is not included in the actual payment value.

 The actual payment value may vary depending on the currency exchange rates of your chosen banks or authorities.